What our students think of us...

Tetiana Dmytruk

The myth that Chinese is the most difficult language is ruined for me. It’s doable, and the surprising fact - I understand how it works after such short period of time. Not only ‘understand’: I can talk, write and translate things on the go. I’ll survive if I happen to be in China tomorrow because I can order food/ask directions/find a train/meet new people - all in Chinese. Other unique thing - Domino doesn’t overpromise. It’s not a ‘learn new language in 10 days’ type of thing and Domino folks are completely straightforward about that: if you want to learn well: use flashcards, use workbooks, review the lesson vocab, get a tutor after all. We all know that to do something well you need to put work into that. The beauty of Domino - all you need is available on this platform, now including tutors. No need to jump around and overpay for different tools/apps that have scattered approach. It was also super fun (taking my hat off to Felix’s sense of humor).

Miriam S.K

After just a few months with DominoChinese I can say I’m super impressed with my Chinese! That’s all thanks to DominoChinese.

Lee Saunders (大力)

Domino Chinese is fantastic! Now when I here people say, "wai guo ren (外国人 - foreigner)", I can understand more of what they are saying about me. There are loads of resources: videos, a dictionary (with writing animation), word lists, dialogues, a forum, flash cards, and the pleasure of learning from the Domino Chinese team. Putting them all together is a great way to learn from multiple angles and contexts.

Connor Cassidy

This course provided a solid foundation for my Chinese studies. I would definitely recommend this course to my peers because I feel like it has accelerated my Chinese learning progress through constant feedback & practice. Can’t wait to continue growing my skills with more advanced courses. The way the content is presented allows you to build up internal Chinese knowledge data base in a very efficient manner. The vocabulary may seem advanced at time, but it serves its purpose to reinforce already learned characters, component, & sounds. These slices of Chinese presented across each chapter are easy enough to digest due this method of compounding meanings & sounds.

Keith Neruda

For people who really want to learn Chinese and are willing to put in the of time to review, this is the course. This includes people who have started to learn in the past and let it slip. Felix’s method of focusing on the foundational aspects of the character parts, grammar, and a bit of slang is what the vast majority of non-Chinese learners need to learn to become functional. It is amazing how well I can recognise characters. There is no question that the Domino approach to that is best in class globally.

Ryan Williams

I have really enjoyed this course. I was trying to learn Chinese on my own using several different apps and although I was learning characters and words I was not understanding the why and how of the language. As I started this course there were a lot of “aha” moments as things started to make sense. Learning the different parts of the characters has also been super helpful in remembering them. It is a very fun learning environment and having the in-person classes each week with expectations and practice really motivates me and keeps me moving forward. I feel like Domino Chinese provides the tools I need to be successful all in one place. I would definitely recommend Domino Chinese to anyone looking for a fun, interactive, and motivating way of learning Mandarin.

Daniel Mackney

生日快乐 Domino Chinese,你十岁。我很开心! Translation - Happy Birthday Domino Chinese, you are ten years old. I am very happy. I am happy for Domino Chinese, but I am happier for myself. Two years ago, I couldn't have written the opening statements. I listened to Felix's pitch promising I would be able to speak Chinese in a short 90 days, but if I stuck with it, I would be able to do much more with time. So, I tried the entry level material and WOW! here I am not only speaking Chinese, but also, I learned how to read and write (读 和 写) Chinese (中文). I'm only starting the intermediate level and it's not easy. But believe me it's easier and better than numerous other programs. I know. I've tried them all (Bubble, Rosetta Rock, Lingo, - change the names but you get the picture). Over the last three decades, I have tried and failed at learning anything more than ni hao 你好 - hello and zai jian 再见 - see you later. Now I can write a sentence 现在我可以写一个话, 或要求吃点东西 or ask for something to eat. I don't just watch something, read and talk to a program. I have a teacher (Elsa). We have a class. We study material (Felix has all of these wonderfully and often goofy videos. You have flashcards, You have homework, and the class talks to each other. You learn and laugh with each other. You feel your not doing well, but then you note you can read the signs in Chinese you see on the news. Your local Chinese restaurant comments on how impressive your Chinese is when you say, wo xihuan baozi. So, once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOMINO CHINESE. You made me HAPPY, and to anyone thinking about trying Domino Chinese, I also guarantee if you try it you will soon say Wo hen kai xin!! 我很开心!

Jakub Szypulka

DominoChinese is the future of language learning technology. It all started with a vast amount video on demand lessons with entertaining hosts, and has now become a full-fledged platform with built-in vocabulary training etc, all for a very competitive price. Having learning multiple foreign languages before, I think the DominoChinese approach is the most effective and fun and always recommend it to people asking me for advice. Last week somebody even asked me about learning Japanese, and I said „Try to find something like DominoChinese for Japanese“ 😁👍🏻

Ran Boskis

Before DominoChinese I used to think Chinese is too difficult and I didn't bother trying. After completing the first few levels I realized the "devil" isn't all that big and scary. The Domino method made Chinese so easy to learn and memorize; many clips are filmed in China, which makes the learning experience much more interesting and immersive than regular Chinese classes some of you may have taken. I highly recommend DominoChinese -- worth every penny!

Jose Lo Huang

I love this course! It’s great to start with the Chinese language. Very funny and dynamic with different kind of activities. The way of how the Chinese is taught using the characters as building blocks, and also the funny videos helps a lot to not get bored. It makes the whole learning experience so entertaining and with the other students and all the interaction learning even gets a bit addictive!

Sebastian Czentner

Domino Chinese works really well as a self-study course (watching videos and reviewing with flashcards) but joining the Domino Classroom is one of the best decisions I’ve made. The teacher is able to personalise the learning and give us plenty of time to practice what we learn. Also learning in a group is a lot more fun.

Devin Perno

Excellent learning platform to really understand Chinese! The unique process that DominoChinese delivers really makes you remember new words and how they fit together. It's all very enjoyable!


Being in China for many years it has been a challenge but with Domino Chinese I feel like I found a way to crack the code finally thank you Domino.

Justin LaBreche

Both he and his Chinese friends have recorded hundreds of hours of videos by which you learn about China, its people, its culture and of course the language and I’m already fascinated at how much Chinese I can understand.

Ben Fred

My wife speaks Chinese with her family and we have 5 month old son whom I would like to speak Chinese at home with. I would never have expected results so fast. With Domino I am already able to understand a lot of what my wife says to her family and I’m able to have simple but useful conversations with her. She has even shared what I wrote in my exams with her family and they were very impressed with my ability already. I think the reason it works is because it’s a complete Chinese learning system. Videos, flashcards, reading, writing and listening self-study and homework coupled with engaging live lessons, class participation and conversations with fellow classmates from all over the world. Coupled some exams to really focus the mind and revise what we have learned. Even though I started the course primarily wanting to speak Chinese I am particularly impressed with my reading and writing ability, I am able to read Chinese sentences without Pinyin and text my Chinese friends and have basic conversations! I really like Domino’s light-hearted approach and openness to making mistakes.

Omer Faruk Gani

Domino Chinese lectures are very funny and especially very catchy with the examples from signtables, chinese people and sometimes very funny examples with the Chinese people on the street :D. New Quiz system which every time makes you to contruct sentence is also good, makes you think Chinese more.

David Morris

Felix and the team are great! Their videos make learning fun, which makes you keep coming back for more. This is without doubt the best Chinese course out there!’

Jay Bineau

Your in depth analysis into how to retain language skills is remarkable. Keep up your descriptions of the Hanzi so that we have a tool to remember the characters and their meaning. I like that the course is not rote learning. As a musician who has played Bach for memory rote learning is for the birds since your performance falls apart under pressure. Making the abstract concrete is most enjoyable way to learn to memorize.


I love everything about this course! After having tried to study Chinese for several years and in several different forums, nothing beats this. It's worth every second of study!

John Stanko

I've been using Domino for a while now, and I really appreciate the focus on learning the characters and just picking up the pronunciation as we proceed through the course as opposed to trying to master the tonal pronunciations while just learning tourist words, as in many courses. The recent addition of different course options (including one for pronunciation practice) is a wonderful development. Being able to select what to focus on based on one's particular Chinese needs is a luxury rarely seen with language learning platforms. And regardless of which course you're doing, Felix is a very engaging teacher who makes learning Chinese seem much more like a fun hobby than a chore. I applaud the entire Domino staff for all their hard work to continually improve this outstanding learning platform! 谢谢!

Malie Brown

What makes DominoChinese so special is the fact that Felix himself was a learner through the development of this course he's tried to make sure that we avoid the struggles that he went through.

Streit Eric

It's already 4 months since I began to learn with DominoChinese. I already studied on Udemy (with Felix too) and some other courses. If you are ready to put effort in studying, Domino Chinese is definitively the course to follow. You'll make a lot of progress in no time!

Fredrik Colldahl Schersten

I would highly recommend taking this course! As an engineer by trade I know the importance of understanding the fundamentals before tackling the more complex challenges. This course really gives those fundamentals and building blocks and teaches “why” in a very simple, understandable step-by-step kind of way! I have tried countless apps but nothing really stuck, Domino Chinese has really helped me. It was also really nice getting to know my classmates who were going through the same experience. We kept each other going.

Amanda Fischer

I can now walk down the street and recognize characters I understand people chit-chatting.

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